iPhone’s “battery health” feature comes to all electric cars

iPhone’s “battery health” feature comes to all electric cars

One of the most striking features of iPhones is “battery health”. With this feature, users can see how many times they charge their batteries and how the battery capacity is. This technology is now adapted to electric cars.

British technology company Clearwatt introduced a new portable application called “Home Health Checker”. This application, which can be used by purchasing for £ 30, measures the battery state of an electric car. The application uses vehicle data in doing so.

Home Health Checker, what information about electric cars will offer?

We can also say that it offers a very comprehensive expertise report for the EV Health Checker. Because the report prepared by this application, as well as general information, as well as the status of the battery, the loss of range and the assumption of when he says when to change. The software, which reveals all the data, finally gives a letter note to the car. For example, the Tesla Model 3 in the example you see above is given to A+. This shows that the vehicle is sufficient. If the given letter was d, the person who would buy this tool would have to think once again.

This kind of technology seems to be critical at a time when electric cars are mostly discussed due to their batteries. Because the consumer who wants to buy a second -hand electric car, the house of the house will be able to evaluate the situation of the vehicle through the application. So at least there will be a report.

So how did you find this application? Do you affect your opinion when you buy such a technology, electric car? Don’t forget to share your ideas with us …