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  • iPhone 14 and 14 Pro owners complain about battery capacity falling even before 1 year is up

iPhone 14 and 14 Pro owners complain about battery capacity falling even before 1 year is up

The batteries of the iPhone 14s, which have been in use for less than a year, are already starting to lose most of their original capacity. Users continue to complain about this situation on social media.
 iPhone 14 and 14 Pro owners complain about battery capacity falling even before 1 year is up
READING NOW iPhone 14 and 14 Pro owners complain about battery capacity falling even before 1 year is up

Some iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro owners have started complaining that the batteries of their phones, which they have been using for less than a year, are getting weaker than expected. AppleTrack’s Sam Kohl tweeted in July that the iPhone 14 Pro’s maximum capacity has already dropped to 90 percent, which is much faster than any previous iPhone it has had.

Kohl posted a video on the subject yesterday, saying it’s getting harder for him to recommend the phone, especially given its $999 price point. Officially, Apple says iPhone batteries should retain up to 80 percent of their original capacity over 500 full charge cycles.

He’s not the only one seeing these numbers. Senior tech columnist Joanna Stern wrote in her newsletter this week that her iPhone 14 Pro has dropped to 88 percent battery capacity. At The Verge, however, reports are mixed; two 14 Pros dropped to 93 and 91 percent, and another at 97 percent.

The battery health monitoring feature for iPhones came with the iOS 11.3 update. Apple has not yet made a statement on the matter.

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