iPad application statement from Instagram boss

Some popular social networking platforms still don't have dedicated apps for iPads; Instagram is one of them. Sad news came from the Instagram boss for those waiting for the iPadOS version of Instagram, which can be used on Android, iPhone and web browsers...
 iPad application statement from Instagram boss
READING NOW iPad application statement from Instagram boss
Some popular social networking platforms still don’t have dedicated apps for iPads; Instagram is one of them. Sad news came from the Instagram boss for those waiting for the iPadOS version of Instagram, which can be used on Android, iPhone and web browsers.

Instagram iPad app won’t be out “any time soon”

While Adam Mosseri was answering questions from users on Instagram Stories, he was also asked when the Instagram iPad application will be released. The CEO said they are not working on it right now. However, he left the door open, saying later in the broadcast that having an iPad app was a good thing at some point.

The Instagram boss added that there are other new features that they think are more important. Considering this situation, it does not seem possible that the Instagram application will be updated with a special interface for iPad in the near future.

Apparently, iPad users waiting for the Instagram application to arrive are not a large enough group to be prioritized. iPad has a much smaller user base than iPhone. For example; While Apple sold more than 42 million iPhones in the second quarter of 2023, it was able to sell 10 million iPads in the same period. For some developers, this difference is enough to put iPadOS in the background.

Meanwhile, another popular application from Meta, WhatsApp, is coming to iPads. Testing began in September.

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