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iOS 16 and macOS Ventura will deliver a passwordless future

Introduced by Apple at the WWDC22 event, iOS 16 and macOS Ventura can end today's password changing and creation problems with the Passkeys feature.
 iOS 16 and macOS Ventura will deliver a passwordless future
READING NOW iOS 16 and macOS Ventura will deliver a passwordless future

At the WWDC22 event held recently, Apple introduced iOS 16 and MacOS Ventura with interesting new features. Among these new features, ‘Passkeys’, which aims to facilitate users’ password operations, may be the key to a passwordless future.

It will eliminate the problems of creating and changing passwords

As it is known, even the most secure passwords can easily be seized in case of a data breach. In addition, creating a separate password for each application has been a big problem for users. The Cupertino giant’s new Passkey feature, which aims to securely authenticate users without the need to remember complex passwords and worry about changing them frequently, hits the spot.

According to Apple, designed for both apps and devices and aiming to bring more security to accounts, the Passkeys feature is a feature that stays on the device and is never on a web server. There will be unique digital passwords that are not stored. However, Passkeys will have integration with biometric security, including Touch ID and Face ID, and can be synced to other Apple devices via iCloud Keychain.

iOS 16 introduced! Here are the iOS 16 features and the innovations

added 1 day ago

In addition, stating that the technology will not be limited to Safari only, Apple said that users can use Touch ID or Face ID. says they can use the feature as long as they have an iPhone with Thus, users will be able to quickly log in to banks or sites from different devices by scanning a QR code on their phones.

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