International AI call from G7 leaders!

The leaders of the G7 countries, who came together today, brought the issue of artificial intelligence to the agenda. It's worrying that this industry is highly unregulated, as AI breakthroughs in rich countries are advancing at a rapid pace. Connector or...
 International AI call from G7 leaders!
READING NOW International AI call from G7 leaders!
The leaders of the G7 countries, who came together today, brought the issue of artificial intelligence to the agenda. It’s worrying that this industry is highly unregulated, as AI breakthroughs in rich countries are advancing at a rapid pace. Artificial intelligence research that proceeds without binding or ethical rules can cause serious societal harm. In this context, the G7 leaders called for the development and adoption of international technical standards for reliable artificial intelligence (AI).

AI call from the G7 summit

Gathering in Hiroshima, Japan, the G7 leaders acknowledged that their approach to achieving the “common vision and goal of reliable artificial intelligence” may differ, and stated in their statement that “digital economy management should continue to be updated in line with our common democratic values”.

The leaders’ joint agreement is hailed as remarkable, after the European Union, represented at the G7, came to an end this month in potentially the world’s first comprehensive AI law. “We want AI systems, whatever their source, to be accurate, reliable, secure and non-discriminatory,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday.

G7 leaders spoke of the productive AI made popular by the ChatGPT app, saying they “must immediately assess the opportunities and challenges of productive AI.” Heads of government agreed on Friday to set up a ministerial forum called the “Hiroshima AI process” to discuss issues related to productive artificial intelligence tools such as intellectual property rights and disinformation by the end of this year.

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