Interesting Properties of Obsidian Stone

Obsidian, which has attracted the attention of people throughout history with its eye-catching colors, has been the raw material of many materials due to its solid structure, and was even used as money for a period, is a glass made up of igneous rocks. Let's take a closer look at some interesting information about obsidian stone, which is a real wonder of nature, and its properties.
 Interesting Properties of Obsidian Stone
READING NOW Interesting Properties of Obsidian Stone

You know volcanic mountains. The molten lava in these mountains comes out as a result of different effects. This incredibly hot lava sometimes cools down quite quickly, depending on the weather conditions of the region it comes out. Since this cooling is rapid, some chemical reactions do not occur. The result is a glass we call obsidian, which has dazzling colors and is extremely durable.

It is possible to encounter obsidian all over the world, even in our country. Of course, these are not all of the same quality or density, but it is still possible to encounter obsidian stone, as there are volcanic formations everywhere. Let’s get to know the obsidian stone, which has been a favorite of people throughout history due to its unique structure, and see some of its interesting features.

Interesting obsidian stone features:

We call it obsidian stone but it is not a stone
It was one of the most important commodities of commercial agreements made throughout history.
It is possible to make surgical precision cuts with blades made using obsidian.
When we think of obsidian, we think of a black stone, but there are many different types in nature.
It is possible to encounter obsidian in many different sizes and shapes.

We call it obsidian stone, but it is not a stone:

It would be wrong to think that obsidian is a stone because it is said as a stone among the people, because as we mentioned in its definition, it is a glass formed as a result of the melting and cooling of igneous rocks. The main difference with the stone is that there is no crystal structure in the obsidian. This is exactly the chemical reaction that does not occur during the rapid cooling of the lava.

Fortunately, obsidian isn’t a stone, because if it were a stone, we wouldn’t be able to use any of the properties we love today or throughout history. It is not correct to call obsidian a mineral, because its individual structure is extremely different from known mineral impurities. This structure was formed due to the absence of the mentioned chemical reaction. However, if you are not an expert on the internal structure of rocks, it can be quite difficult to distinguish obsidian from a stone when you have it in your hands.

It was one of the most important commodities of trade agreements made throughout history:

Many years ago, when trade was based on barter, the more valuable the goods you had, the more products you could buy. At that time, obsidian was as valuable as gold today. Because obsidian was easily chipped, it was one of the most sought-after materials for tool making. At the same time, because it had a wonderful appearance, it was an ornamental material that increased the value of the product by using it both in jewelry and other personal items.

Obsidian is not a structure that can be seen everywhere, even in many parts of the world. However, since it is frequently used during shopping, it is possible to encounter obsidian material wherever excavations are made today. It is known that obsidian glass was used extensively and extremely valuable in the North American Indians, Maya civilization and Aztec civilization. Real deadly weapons have been made, especially by using arrowheads to make them.

It is possible to make surgical precision cuts with blades made using obsidian:

You must have heard; There are traces of surgical operations on the human skeleton found in an excavation. If you are asking how this was possible thousands of years ago, the answer is hidden in obsidian. Because it is possible to make a monomolecular edge with obsidian. The edges of the processed obsidian will become dull over time with the help of air. Proper machining can make it as thin as knives made using steel today.

It’s worth explaining a little more. As a result of long and difficult processes, steel gains the sharpness as we know it today. However, obsidian is a material suitable for this sharpness due to its natural structure. Even today, obsidian is used in some medical devices, albeit rarely. However, it is not a substitute for steel since its natural structure, which makes it so useful, also has many disadvantages. However, you can believe it if you hear that there is someone who was operated with surgical precision thousands of years ago.

When we think of obsidian, we think of a black stone, but there are many different types in nature:

When obsidian, which is formed as a result of melting and cooling of lava, is mentioned, we all think of black stones. True, obsidian generally has a black and highly glossy appearance of varying densities and sizes. However, there are many different types of obsidian with names such as snowflake, gold, silver, mahogany, fire and more. The main classification of all of these is obsidian, but their color, properties, and shape will vary.

Unfortunately, since you have obtained this information about obsidian, you are likely to be defrauded in the future. Because many sellers sell ordinary glass or stones as obsidian. The most common counterfeit species in the market are green obsidian and red, that is, fire obsidian. These species, both of which have a fascinating appearance, are extremely difficult to find in nature, let alone buying them for a few hundred liras. A little tip is that if there is too much transparency in the material called obsidian, it is not a natural material.

It is possible to encounter obsidian of many different sizes and shapes:

The volcano erupts, lava spills out, suddenly cools and obsidian comes out. Of course, you cannot expect obsidians of perfect size or shape to form in this formation process, where we feel the atmosphere of chaos even while reading. However, they are not completely shattered or crumbly, depending on the region. They are similar in structure to agate and jasper nodules. That is, they are round but have outward roughness, ridges, and ridges.

Some of the obsidians found in Hawaii have long fibers, while others have drop-like rounded tips. When such stones were found in ancient times, they were called Pele’s Tears to commemorate the volcano goddess of the island. The more rounded obsidians found in the North American region are known as Apache Tears.

One of the rarest forms of obsidian in the North American region is called needle. Found only in the Davis Creek area of ​​California, this version of obsidian can be black, mahogany or even a rainbow mixed color. The rarer the obsidian, which has become an indispensable decoration material today, the higher the price of the material used will be.

We tried to get to know this natural beauty better by talking about the interesting information about obsidian, which is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of the lava that comes to the surface with volcanic activities. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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