Interesting Facts About Rottweilers

Attracting attention with their calm character, loving eyes and strong structure, rottweilers are one of the dog breeds that have been accustomed to living with people for more than a thousand years. Let's take a closer look at the interesting facts about rottweiler dogs that can become a member of your family rather than a pet with the right training and see the important details about this breed.
 Interesting Facts About Rottweilers
READING NOW Interesting Facts About Rottweilers

First of all, let’s start by reminding that instead of adopting special breeds, it would be much more correct to adopt the needy creatures on the street and in the shelters. Rottweiler dogs, which sometimes become dangerous with wrong training in the hands of malicious people, are actually one of the dog breeds that have lived with people for thousands of years and can become a member of the house with the right training.

Although the Rottweiler is a medium-sized breed, it is extremely strong. Thanks to this power, it has served as a shepherd dog and guard dog throughout history. However, today you will have a lovely friend who thinks he is a lap dog because he has a sensitive heart. Let’s take a closer look at interesting facts about rottweiler dogs that can get along with people of all ages because they are not noisy and are extremely intelligent, and let’s see important details about this breed.

Interesting facts about Rottweilers:

Rottweilers have lived with us for nearly two thousand years.
Rottweilers were the greatest helpers of Roman travelers, shepherds and hunters.
Rottweilers are intelligent, very intelligent.
The stubborn rottweiler can become obese if not taken care of.
Seen as intimidating and aggressive, the rottweiler actually thinks he’s a lap dog
Rottweiler dogs don’t bark much, they like to talk by looking at each other.
Once upon a time, rottweiler dogs were almost extinct.
There is a series of children’s books in which a Rottweiler is the main protagonist.

Rottweilers have lived with us for nearly two thousand years:

According to the work of a fan association called the Rottweiler Club in the United Kingdom, this breed was introduced to humans thousands of years ago, but the first records in history are about two thousand years old. Around 73 BC, the Roman army set up a camp near the Neckar River in what is now Germany.

Soldiers who wanted to go hunting took with them a few of the dogs used by the local people in the region. These dogs were both good shepherds and tough enough to protect people, even against bears. These dogs, taken from the town called Das Rote Wil, were named after the town for many years. This name has evolved over time into the rottweiler. Rottweiler dogs living today are descended from these dogs.

Rottweilers were the greatest helpers of Roman travelers, shepherds and hunters:

You must have seen Asian mastiffs, perhaps one of the first dog breeds bred by humanity. These creatures, which have long hair and almost the size of a human, are thought to be the ancestors of the rottweiler dogs in Europe. They have evolved over time, leaving their long hairs, and have become a medium-sized race.

Rottweilers were guarded by Roman travelers who traveled the world from one end to the other. They were also the greatest helpers of cattle herders in Europe. Moreover, when these shepherds wanted to sell their slaughtered cattle in the market, rottweiler dogs pulled the carts and protected this meat from other animals and thieves in the market.

Rottweilers are intelligent, very intelligent:

It is a well-known fact that dogs in general are much more intelligent than most animals. Among them, the rottweiler stands out one step further. Because dogs generally act within the framework of their instincts and what they have been taught, while the rottweiler thinks. As a result of thousands of years of evolution, he tries to understand and find solutions to any situation he has experienced. For this reason, many experts say that people who have never had a dog before, first feed a rottweiler. Because they need a good education.

The stubborn rottweiler can become obese if not careful:

The reason behind the stubbornness of Rottweiler dogs is that they are intelligent. They are social and open to training. However, because they are an intelligent breed, they can get bored with the repetitions made by a novice trainer and start to insist at some point. You can’t make him do a move he’s bored of again and again if he doesn’t want to. Therefore, it should have a fun educational program.

You can fool rottweiler dogs with a treat, but their appetite is much more than that. Because they are strong dogs, they like to eat a lot. However, like all living things, they need to burn this high calorie intake. If you don’t allow your rottweiler to eat as much as it wants, if you don’t get enough exercise, it can easily become obese, and when it does, it can be fatal.

Seen as intimidating and aggressive, the rottweiler actually thinks of itself as a lap dog:

Rottweilers can be intimidating and aggressive, just like any creature that wants to protect its family. Because he has served as a guard and shepherd dog for thousands of years. However, this does not mean that it is an aggressive breed. He will not show such a tendency when he is socialized with people and animals when he is still a puppy, but of course he will continue his duty of protection.

It’s funny that these powerful creatures think of themselves as lap dogs because of their love needs. In other words, your rottweiler will want to be loved by curling into your lap at times. They are thought to have released these instincts as they are no longer actively herding or guard dogs. For this reason, instead of tying rottweilers to the garden, you should keep them in your home and treat them like a family member.

Rottweiler dogs do not bark much, they like to communicate with a glance:

When you look at the huge jaws of Rottweiler dogs, you may think that they have barks that make the sky groan. Yes, they make a really powerful sound when they bark, but this is extremely rare. They prefer to bark when they really need to make a sound. In other cases, they choose to deal with both other animals and humans by gazing or silent responses. If you have a rottweiler that you get along well with, you can communicate wonderfully with long glances.

For a while, rottweilers were almost extinct:

Rottweiler dogs were used as shepherd dogs, but they mostly performed their duties on long distances. With the acceleration of industrialization and the widespread use of trains in the 19th century, cattle herds began to be transported by trains, thus eliminating the need for rottweiler dogs. Recognizing the situation, rottweiler breed lovers enabled these dogs to serve as police and military dogs in the 20th century to reintegrate into active life.

There is a series of children’s books in which a Rottweiler is the main protagonist:

American children’s book author Alexandra Day published a children’s book, Good Dog Carl, in 1985, inspired by her own rottweiler. This book quickly fascinated children. Alexandra Day, who wrote more than 20 children’s books about the main character of the book, Carl The Rottweiler, created an immortal book series for children’s literature.

We tried to get to know this breed a little more closely by talking about interesting facts about rottweiler dogs, which attract attention with their strong structures and cute looks. Do you like Rottweiler dogs? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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