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  • Interesting claim from Russia: Mutant soldiers are used in war

Interesting claim from Russia: Mutant soldiers are used in war

The Russian authorities are informing their people that the Ukrainian mutant soldiers took part in the war and therefore they are struggling. So are mutant soldiers really possible?
 Interesting claim from Russia: Mutant soldiers are used in war
READING NOW Interesting claim from Russia: Mutant soldiers are used in war

Especially with the superhero movie I know as Steve Rogers, Captain America, we watched weak soldiers inject some genes and mutate and become a strong soldier. Of course, although it is science fiction, it is also at the heart of many discussions today.

Are Ukrainian soldiers mutants?

According to the interesting statement made by the Russian authorities to the Russian people, Ukraine is using mutant soldiers and that’s why Russia is struggling in the war. These soldiers were manufactured in US biological laboratories and fielded.

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Retired US general William Enyart, on the other hand, states that Russia has brought up the claim of mutant soldiers since 2015 and that he obviously watches a lot of cartoons. While it is stated that Russia, which had difficulties in the war, made up such lies to make us forget the deteriorated economy, she states that the Russian soldiers fought without a strategy and at the end a nightmare story was made up. At the beginning of the war, Russia claimed that Ukraine was defending with black magicians.

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