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Interested in Fatty, Overweight Areas of the Body: Lipophilia

Some people may be sexually attracted to overweight people rather than people with standard body sizes. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing strange about hearing this request. However, this can turn into an obsession, which is scientifically called "lipophilia" or "fat fetishism".
 Interested in Fatty, Overweight Areas of the Body: Lipophilia
READING NOW Interested in Fatty, Overweight Areas of the Body: Lipophilia

According to the fifth of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in which various psychological disorders are defined, diseases such as panic disorders, stress disorders, somatoform disorders, conversion disorders and eating disorders can be evaluated within the DSM – V criteria. Paraphilia, which is also included in the DSM – V criteria; Compulsory or involuntary sexual desire for unusual objects or actions, means to be aroused. In this respect, we can say that lipophilia, which means sexual attraction to fat mass, is also considered as a type of paraphilia.

An individual with lipophilia may be attracted to areas of the body that we can call plump and relatively fat. It can be said that a person who especially likes being fat gives importance to his partner’s body being fat, rather than looking at the personality of his partner.

Those with lipophilia may be sexually attracted to overweight or obese people.

Someone with a fetish for obesity can be curiously obsessed with the size, degree of overweight, and softness of the bodies of those they encounter in daily life. For this reason, overweight people can be quite attractive to someone with lipophilia. Of course, it’s not unusual for fat people to be interesting, you should know that we’re just emphasizing that it’s extra interesting to someone with lipophilia.

People who have a fetish interest towards overweight individuals can make certain parts of the body more fetish objects. For example, ‘fat belly’, ‘fat thighs’, ‘overweight big hips’, ‘chubby face’, ‘overweight cheeks’.

Someone with lipophilia may also have other fetishes, such as making their partner fat by feeding them.

It is possible to see that the fat fetishism usually occurs together with the intentional eating behavior. This behavior can often occur between the feeding party and the feeding party.

In fact, the story of Amy and Tammy sisters in the TV show TLC Extraordinary Lives can be given as an example. While one of the siblings, Tammy, is trying to lose her extra pounds like Amy, Tammy’s boyfriend always wants Tammy to eat because she has a fat fetishism. We can see similar examples in the stories of many female participants, such as Laura Perez, Christina Phillips and Lupe Samano, who were featured in TLC’s other program, Heavy Lives.

References: 1, 2, 3

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