Intel beats Apple in Wi-Fi 7 race

According to the new report, Intel plans to install the next-generation Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be) technology on devices by 2024.
 Intel beats Apple in Wi-Fi 7 race
READING NOW Intel beats Apple in Wi-Fi 7 race

While Apple is the leader in consumer technology design, in the hardware world, Intel is determined to stay ahead of its competitors by rolling out Wi-Fi 7 devices as early as 2024. The company plans to launch its first Wi-Fi 7-capable lineup by 2024.

PlayStation 4 is nearing its end

added 1 day ago

Apple had abandoned Intel in favor of its own M-series processors for its computers in 2020. Since then, the number of Intel chips in every new Apple series product has dwindled. And while Apple compares the performance of its chips with that of Intel at every presentation, Intel strives hard to surpass Apple’s processors.

What innovations will Wi-Fi 7 offer?

Intel seems to be making progress, at least in delivering the latest generation of Wi-Fi technology to its consumers. This development was announced by Eric McLaughlin, vice president of wireless solutions at Intel. Eric said at a recent press conference: “We are currently developing Intel Wi-Fi 802.11be for certification by the Wi-Fi Alliance and will be installed in PC products such as laptops by 2024. We expect it to expand into major markets in 2025.” used his statements.

Wi-Fi 7 will have more stable bandwidth at 6GHz and support data rates up to 36Gb/s. It was previously reported that Wi-Fi 7 will double the maximum channel width (up to 320 MHz) and offer higher order modulation with 4kQAM. In addition, Wi-Fi 7 will have another important feature – the ability to manage and therefore optimize the various available spectrum bands. This functionality will be called Multi-Link Operation (MLO). MLO allows devices to use spectrum on multiple channels simultaneously.

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