Instagram Stories Is Getting A New Update

The new design, which will 'turn upside down' the Stories section of Instagram, has been published in the developer version of the application.
 Instagram Stories Is Getting A New Update
READING NOW Instagram Stories Is Getting A New Update

The designs of the social media apps we use constantly change over the years, some we like very much and we get used to it right away, but some may take a little longer to become familiar with. For example, when Instagram went for the first color logo and design change, it took a long time for many of us to get used to it.

Again, we are faced with a change in a design that we are familiar with. Three months ago, Instagram announced an update in the Stories section, where when there are many stories, it will show them up to three. Now the design is changing even more and the location of the stories bar is changing.

Instagram Stories bar is moving to the bottom of the screen

As seen in the new update published in the developer version of Instagram, the Stories bar will now be located at the bottom of the screen instead of at the top. There is also a ‘Show All’ option as you can see from the screenshots.

We mentioned this option in our content, which we linked above. It was reported that with the new option, Instagram will shorten them to a maximum of three when too many stories are shared on a profile, and if you want to see them all, you will have to press the ‘Show All’ option.

With the new feature opened to some users, Instagram does exactly that. When you right-click on several stories in a row, it takes you directly to the next user’s stories. In order for this not to happen, you need to click on the ‘Show All’ option that we have just mentioned.

With the current update, the location of the stories bar has been completely changed and moved to the bottom, and a white background has been added to the ‘Show All’ option. Do you like this new Instagram stories design? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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