Infrared Glasses for People with Low Sight

A pleasing study from the Technical University of Munich has been published for those with low vision impairment. According to the article, individuals will be able to detect objects around them even in the dark.
 Infrared Glasses for People with Low Sight
READING NOW Infrared Glasses for People with Low Sight

Recently, Manuel Zahn and Armaghan Ahmad Khan from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, published a research that will make people with low vision happy. Their research will help people with low vision to navigate the world around them more comfortably with glasses using infrared technology.

Binary says that the cane, which is the most common tool used by individuals with low vision, makes it easier for them to perceive only objects in their immediate surroundings, and they want to help with the problems of not being able to perceive obstacles farther away.

It will work even in the dark with the help of infrared

Zahn’s design uses a pair of infrared cameras built into the prototype glasses. With the help of a small computer, the infrared camera creates a map of the surrounding area and captures a stereoscopic image. Since infrared is used, the glasses work even in the dark. With the help of the vibrating armband, users will be able to understand how close objects are and how they are headed.

In their tests, the volunteers benefited from up to 98 percent accuracy when navigating the planned obstacle paths. All five participants managed to complete the obstacle course. After three runs, all participants improved and their speed increased over time.

In the article published by Zahn and Khan, Microsoft’s Kinect, a motion detection system that adds additional features to Xbox games, is frequently cited. It is confident that its dual cameras and setups will be smaller, less conspicuous and less expensive than a Kinect.

It seems to be a very relaxing technology for individuals with low vision.

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