Inflatable Keyboard Display Technology Developed

The Future Interfaces Group team at Carnegie Mellon University announced the technology of the keyboard, which can be inflated with liquid thanks to a special pumping system.
 Inflatable Keyboard Display Technology Developed
READING NOW Inflatable Keyboard Display Technology Developed

It’s been a long time since the physical keys phones were out of our lives, never to return. However, the fully touchscreen and keyboard both make typing more difficult and present a difficult use for some disadvantaged groups such as the visually impaired.

However, it seems that a new way has been found to prevent this situation and bring the keys back to the touch screens. The new system, which has been put forward as a result of years of research and development, is still at the beginning of the road, but it is one of the directions that touch screen technologies can go in the future.

Keyboards with flat or inflated keys;

According to the team, which explains the operation of the system with a very detailed video, it can now work in a structure thinner than 1 cm. The working logic is based on the fact that a liquid pumping system integrated under the screen pumps liquid to the relevant location and inflates that area when requested.

It is stated that the area inflated with the liquid rises by about 5 mm, forming a kind of ‘button’. It is aimed that this system will work in integration with OLED displays in the future.

It is also stated that the inflatable screen model can be used not only for typing or using keys, but also for different notification systems. For example, when a notification arrives, notifications can be sent in the form of swelling and descending at the location of the relevant application on the screen.

It seems that the model, which is still at the very beginning of the road, has yet to become a commercial product. Although it is less likely to become widespread for smartphones, it seems more likely to be preferred in products such as tablets.

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