Important Risks of Sleeping Less Sleeping On Us: It sneaks our lives insidiously!

Important Risks of Sleeping Less Sleeping On Us: It sneaks our lives insidiously!

Many of us are very heavy on the day and we are always trying to catch up with something. School, work, family responsibilities, what we do to improve ourselves, we do not understand how 24 hours pass.

What we usually cut is sleeping. In fact, “If I sleep for a few hours, it’s enough for me.” We deceive ourselves, but we don’t think so much. On the contrary, it opens the door of much bigger problems.

The risk of chronic illness is increasing.

The lack of long periodic sleep reduces our body’s resistance to diseases by weakening our immune system. Research also supports it. Compared to the finding of PUBMED, people over the age of 50 sleep less than 5 hours, increasing the risk of at least two chronic illness development up to 40 %.

Moreover, heart diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and even some cancer types can occur.

It adversely affects the brain health.

Our brain is one of our most paid organs in our body. What he needs to process the information we have been exposed to during the day, purifying toxins and strengthening our memory is sleep.

When we sleep less than 5 hours, the function of our brain is affected on the negative side, and as a result, the decrease in concentration, memory weakness, and even the risk of dementia in the long run can increase.

It shortens the period of life.

“Life is too short to sleep too much.” If you think you need to sleep more at that time because one of the factors that shorten the life respite is insomnia.

Again in the research in Pubmed; During a 25 -year -old follow -up process, it turned out that the risk of position of individuals who sleeps 5 hours or less increased by 25 %.

The main reason for this was that short sleep caused the chronic diseases we just mentioned and undermines the process of recovery of the body.

So if you want to have a healthy life, you should not cut your sleep time. By sleeping at least 7 hours a day, you can feel vigorous and protect your health in a short and long term…

Source: Pubmed

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