Important Developments in the Field of Medicine

Cancer research, Alzheimer's studies, important developments in genetics… We have compiled some of the most important developments in medicine throughout August!
 Important Developments in the Field of Medicine
READING NOW Important Developments in the Field of Medicine

The continuous increase in human lifespan at a shocking rate in the last 200 years has been realized with many developments, most notably with the developments in the field of medicine. Today, researches that continue without slowing down focus on diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s and how we can become healthier individuals through genetic studies.

In this direction, many important findings have been obtained during the past month. Many results have been achieved that will cure diseases. We’ve compiled some of the most important ones.

Important developments in the field of medicine in the past month

New method in early cancer diagnosis: Grasshoppers!

Cancer research is one of the most emphasized topics in medicine today. Numerous studies are carried out in this area, from early diagnosis to innovative treatment methods. A new study indicates that locusts may be our new guide for early detection of cancer.

A new study conducted at Michigan State University in the USA revealed that migratory locusts, called locusts, can distinguish between cancerous cells and healthy cells by smell. It is aimed that the data obtained with this study will be used in the development of devices that can detect diseases in the future. For this, it is planned to ‘imitate’ the way locusts make this distinction by applying a kind of ‘reverse engineering’.

Grasshoppers are not the only creatures that can detect a disease ‘by smell’. We have seen a similar situation in dogs during the COVID period. For this reason, the researchers state that different living things can provide us with important information on this subject.

Young mice injected with old mouse blood: ‘Elixir of youth’ may be hidden in blood

A recent study in mice has yielded important results that support previous work in this area. In the study, where young mice were injected with old mouse blood, the mice were subjected to endurance tests, as well as muscle movements were observed.

The data obtained revealed that the young mice given the blood of the old mice ran slower and got tired more quickly than the mice assigned as the control group and not given the old blood. Markers of kidney damage and liver aging were also observed in mice.

A similar aging effect occurred when human cells were dipped into the plasma of older individuals. In addition, in the study, it was found that when young mice blood was injected into old mice, signs of fatigue decreased and endurance increased.

A similar study was carried out in the past months and similar results were obtained. It is stated that the obtained data can be used in anti-aging medical studies.

The claim that viruses responsible for chickenpox and herpes cause Alzheimer’s strengthened

Alzheimer’s is a very common neurological disease that causes a person to forget everything from recent life to family members over time. However, despite the many studies carried out, the exact cause of the disease cannot be determined.

At this point, one of the options that has been evaluated for a long time is the presence of some viruses. Accordingly, the coexistence of viruses responsible for chickenpox and herpes triggers the formation of Alzheimer’s. Research into Varicella zoster virus (which causes chickenpox) and Herpes simplex virus (which causes cold sores) has yielded important results.

The co-existence of these two viruses is associated with Alzheimer’s, according to a new study published by researchers from Tufts University and Oxford University. In addition, it was determined that the vaccine used in the treatment of the virus named Varicella zoster virus (VZV) among these two viruses reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

To detect the condition, the research team created a brain-like environment and observed the viruses and their effects. When the model brain tissue was infected with varicella zoster alone, there was no sign of increase of the Alzheimer’s proteins tau and beta amyloid.

But if the neurons already contained a dormant herpes simplex virus, exposure to the varicella-zoster virus led to reactivation of the herpes virus. This bipolar attack was followed by a dramatic increase in Alzheimer’s disease-associated tau and beta-amyloid proteins, as well as a slowdown in neurons’ signaling. All these symptoms revealed that these two viruses affect each other and trigger Alzheimer’s.

Important research has been conducted to reduce deaths from excess salt consumption: even 1 gram can save millions of lives!

The World Health Organization says the daily salt consumption amount should be 5 grams, but the figures are well above 5 grams in almost all of the world. For example, when we look at the average in our country, it is seen that the number goes up to 15-18 grams.

Millions of people die every year due to diseases such as heart attack and stroke due to excessive salt consumption, which can result in many deaths.

A study conducted by examining the health data obtained from adult individuals in China pointed out that even reducing the amount of salt consumption by 1 gram per day can save the lives of millions of people.

The average daily salt consumption in China is 11 grams. Although it is low compared to our country, this is a very high amount. The research team, on the other hand, states that this 1-gram reduction could prevent more than 9 million cases from today to 2030.

The point that the team emphasized is that reducing salt consumption should be consistent. At the same time, it is stated that if more decreases are consistent, it can prevent many more fatal cases in the long run.

Although the research has focused on cardiovascular diseases, there are studies showing that there is a connection between excessive salt consumption and some types of cancer. Just like with cancer, salt consumption is also linked to many health problems. The team conducting the research, on the other hand, believes that although data on cardiovascular diseases were presented in this research, this decrease will actually prevent many health problems.

Considering the salt consumption in our country, it would not be wrong to say that reducing packaged foods and table salt in our daily use will have many positive effects.

Controlled electrocution of the brain has been found to improve memory: May slow forgetfulness in the elderly

Many different studies are carried out for the treatment of diseases that directly affect memory, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, which appear as we get older. In particular, methods are sought that can improve the quality of life of these patients.

A new study shows that stimulating the brain with low amounts of electricity improves two different memory functions in the brain. In the study, it is emphasized that with only 20 minutes of mild electrical stimulation every day, permanent improvement in two different types of memory was observed in the brains for up to one month. This method works as a low amount of electricity transfer with electrodes placed in the relevant area and is a method used in the treatment of many diseases.

Although it is stated that this cannot fully represent daily activities in the study, which is based on remembering the words given to the participants throughout the research, it is said that the data obtained is very important.

Vitamin D proven to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety

Vitamin D is a vitamin that we need to take in sufficient amounts for both our physical and mental health, just like all vitamins… This has been known for a long time. However, many studies conducted in addition to this reveal that vitamin D relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety.

There is a lot of research carried out on this subject from the past to the present. In a new study, the research team obtained a critical result by studying data from 41 studies conducted on this topic so far.

Accordingly, vitamin D supplementation applied in cases such as depression alleviated symptoms in people. The attenuation effect, which was greater than that seen in the placebo-treated groups, highlighted the positive effect of vitamin D supplementation in depressed subjects.

However, despite the data collected from more than 55 thousand people in 41 studies, experts draw attention to the fact that there should not be a single cause and method in the treatment of disorders such as depression. With such studies, it is aimed to contribute to the treatment of depression, which negatively affects the lives of millions of people around the world every year.

For the first time in history, chromosome engineering was performed on a mouse in the laboratory!

During millions of years of evolution, an animal’s chromosome numbers change very slowly and become permanent by being passed on to future generations. However, it is now possible to carry out this process of millions of years in a very short time in the laboratory.

The main goal of the research, which was carried out using stem cells and gene editing, was to test chromosome engineering, that is, manipulating and changing chromosomes, in a mammal. Chromosome engineering has been done successfully in yeast before, but it was seen as a challenging task for more complex creatures.

In the study carried out by scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ‘chromosome fusion’ was performed on a mouse species. By fusing two pairs of chromosomes in mice, mice with 19 pairs of chromosomes were produced, one pair less than normal.

Chromosomes 1 and 2 and chromosomes 3 and 4 were fused and injected into unfertilized ova. As a result of the study, embryonic death occurred in karyotypes carrying 1 and 2, while the chromosome formed by the fusion of 3 and 4 could be transferred to the offspring.

The results obtained from this study are shown as proof that it can be engineered at the chromosome level in mammals, as well as a big step forward for the study of creating complex multicellular life with designed DNA sequences.

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