IMF and JPMorgan: Prepare for the Hurricane! “Bitcoin and Get Them”

While the IMF and JPMorgan warn that a major hurricane is coming, investment legend Kiyosaki is urging Bitcoin and buying them.
 IMF and JPMorgan: Prepare for the Hurricane!  “Bitcoin and Get Them”
READING NOW IMF and JPMorgan: Prepare for the Hurricane! “Bitcoin and Get Them”

JPMorgan and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that a major hurricane is approaching to hit global markets. Statements from two major organizations bolstered previous predictions by investment legend Richard Kiyosaki. Thus, the “great collapse” theory that Kiyosaki talked about gained strength. Kiyosaki was proposing to buy a number of assets, including Bitcoin, during the crash.

JPMorgan: “The threat of recession continues to grow”

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon evaluated the markets. Accordingly, the CEO warned that the US economy could enter recession in the middle of next year. He also said that Bitcoin and traditional markets could become erratic, with the S&P 500 at risk of falling another 20%. Troubled inflation, interest rate hikes, the unknown effects of the FED’s hawkish policy, and the war in Ukraine are among the factors that will trigger a recession, he said.

As for the Fed, Dimon said the US Federal Reserve intervened too late in the economy and did little. However, he added, “they are now motivated to catch up.” Dimon said that the Fed’s policies managed to slow down the economy sufficiently. Meanwhile, the United Nations made a call to the Fed and other central banks last week. The UN has asked central banks to ease rate hikes. He then warned that the increases are pushing the global economy towards recession.

IMF: “A big hurricane is coming”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) lowered its global growth forecast for next year. He then warned that 2023 will feel like a recession for many countries. The IMF warned the countries of the world that “the worst is yet to come”. The fund had forecast growth of 3.8% in January and 2.9% in July. According to the new forecast, the IMF sees global growth as 2.7% next year. The fund also added that there is a 25% chance of growth falling below 2%. Meanwhile, the fund’s global growth forecast of 3.2% for 2022 remained unchanged.

Pierre Olivier, chief economist of the IMF, spoke on the subject. “Overall, this year’s shocks will reopen economic wounds that have partially healed post-pandemic,” Olivier said. He then added that “the worst is yet to come, 2023 will be a recession for many.” According to him, “the slowdown in 2023 will be broad-based and lead to economic contraction in countries that make up about one-third of the global economy”. In addition, the three largest economies, the USA, China and the Eurozone, will continue to stagnate.

“The big crash is coming, Bitcoin and buy it”

The forecasts of the IMF and JPMorgan are in line with the shares of investment legend Robert Kiyosaki. As we have reported as, Kiyosaki says at every opportunity that there will be a major collapse until January. According to him, this collapse will occur due to the rise of the US dollar and increasing interest rates around the world. Kiyosaki says there are some assets that investors can buy in this crash. Accordingly, the investment legend urges investors to buy Bitcoin, gold and silver.

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