What we want to focus on this content is that citrus fruits such as lemon, tangerine, grapefruit and oranges reduce the risk of depression.
Let’s see how these fruits remove us from depression.
Researchers have recently discovered that consuming citrus fruits reduces the risk of depression by 22 %.
In fact, in this discovery, it offers us a strong proof that nutrition deeply affects the health of the soul. This short time ago, Massachusetts General Hospital, the doctor Raaj Mehta, Chatpol Samuthpongthorn begins with a emergence.
For about 15 years, the duo closely follows the citrus consumption of 300 men and 32,427 women and observes that how many experience depression. The result is quite open. Lemon, orange and grapefruit, such as the depression rates of those who consume citrus fruits are quite low compared to those who do not consume.
Doctor Raaj Mehta clearly mentions that eating a medium -length orange per day reduces the risk of depression by 20 %on average.
So much so that even considering the consumption of alcohol and cigarette, training, body mass index, other life -style factors, the emergence of citrus fruits continues very strongly.
At this point, some of the researches are included in the fruits and other vegetables other than citrus and other vegetables for apples, bananas, but Mehta does not come across a random relationship in the midst of consumption and depression in these foods.
How are citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, tangerine so effective and useful against depression?
In fact, contrary to expected, these fruits do not directly affect depression. At this point, the intestines get into it. Researchers are gathering some of the participants’ feces in order to see the influence of citrus fruits in the intestines.
When we look at these examples, it is seen that the useful bacteria in the intestines of the eaters of frequent citrus fruits are much higher. This bacteria is a kind of Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii. It is known that this genus fights inflammation while supporting the brain health.
Moreover, this type of bacteria is much lower in subsidiaries with depression than those without depression. In summary, citrus consumption reduces the risk of depression significantly and this occurs through the intestines.