Here we can explain this with the influence of plague. In particular, the more the prices of some works rise, the more wishes are increasing.
So is this just a “pampering”, or without realizing it, are we all a module of this influence?
The effect of Veblen is a situation that shows that demand increases as the price of a work increases.
If you are going to buy an hour, you prefer a slightly more costly hour than the price. This is a spiritual situation, as well as a segment of the plague. It is not preferred if it has a t -shirt, herpes prices. However, this situation, luxury consumption works, on the contrary, is returning.
The same applies to a perfume, diamond or luxury cars. These works are mentioned as plague. In a more understandable term, these are the works where demand increases as the price increases.
This concept entered our lives with Thorstein Veblen.
Veblen used this concept as “pretentious consumption .. In the 1900s, Veblen used this concept to investigate the economic behavior of the aristocratic class. Today, Cartier, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin, Lamborgini, Vakko and many other brands are perceived as “luxury ..
Luxury products are purchased for more pleasure than to meet the requirement. Mental influences are also under this urge to take this urge.
Every work that gives a “wealth signal” can create a plague.
Is every high price, a quality quality? In fact, not so much. The most appropriate example of this is the event that Chivas Regal, the famous whiskey brand Chivas Regal. When the first entered the market, the brand, which was forced to sell its works, raised the price of label very much. And after that high label price, Chivas Regal broke sales records.
Since the Veblen products appeal to flashy consumption, we see that luxury works are generally included in this class. In fact, it may not be possible to see a quality that deserves the price, but the human beings give to those brands to be about a “social class ..
This effect is not only on the basis of work.
This effect is not only possible against a purchase -oriented work. If the most valuable service is preferred if a hospital is to go to a hospital, while the most valuable of a language course, the most valuable drink can be preferred in a restaurant. However, the service provided is quickly in all of them.
The event is actually about advertising wealth. Because there is no difference in work, quality and service. It is only a spiritual perception. Especially in luxury cars, jewelery and clothes, we can compete at the points of life from time to time with the influence of the plague.