If you are afraid to be mistaken, you may have “Atelophobia”! Here are the symptoms and ways to avoid …

If you are afraid to be mistaken, you may have “Atelophobia”! Here are the symptoms and ways to avoid …

Atelophobia, which we can simply define as a heavy and very horror of being flawed or flaws, can become something that makes daily life quite difficult after a while.

To get to know this phobia more closely and discover yourself; You can continue to read to get the response of the questions for what is atelophobia, what are the symptoms and how to overcome it …

What is atelophobia?

Atelophobia means heavy and very concern about being flawed or wrong. It is often associated with the value of perfectionism and can have negative effects in daily life.

If you have this phobia, you can feel a lot of fear even in the face of the smallest misconceptions, and you can always print yourself in order to avoid flaws. In many times, this may make your self -relying negative effects and social connections difficult, because you may avoid trying new things because you are afraid of making a flaw or you may be afraid to interact with others.

This phobia usually develops in childhood or adolescence, and can be contacted with the way the person is cultivated, environmental factors and traumatic experiences in the past. In particular, strict parental attitudes or a constantly criticized childhood can prepare a base for the formation of this horror.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Excessive Anxiety: Even the probability of making mistakes becomes a source of anxiety.
  • Panic attack: The intention of being defective causes very physical reactions (such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating).
  • Self -belief loss: constantly questioning skills and abilities.
  • Perfectionism: To always feel under pressure because of the effort to be perfect.
  • Indecision and postponement: It is difficult to decide on making mistakes and postpone jobs.
  • Avoidance: Avoid trying new things and taking risks in case of making mistakes.

So how can it be avoided?

Of course, as in every spiritual state, the first thing to do is get help from an expert. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CIS) is a very effective way to treat atelophobia.

Also, it should not be forgotten that making mistakes is a module of being human. To focus on development and learning rather than perfectionist; It can increase the compassion we show ourselves.

Although it is a short period of analysis; In order to reduce voltage and fear, techniques such as breathing training, meditation and awareness can also be used.

First of all, we must be more understanding and compassionate to ourselves. We may have mistakes, instead of criticizing ourselves, we should see it as an opportunity to learn …

Sources: 1, 2