If there is a possible disaster, it will be necessary: ​​foods that are almost forever!

If there is a possible disaster, it will be necessary: ​​foods that are almost forever!

We may inevitably think about the deterioration of foods, but some are more resistant than you guessed.

Here are 10 foods that are almost infinitely in the conditions of hiding truth!

Foods that can last intact for a long time

  • Honey
  • Dried legumes
  • Rice
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Dried pasta
  • Vinegar
  • Canned foods
  • Dried foods
  • Hard alcohols

1. Honey

Honey with natural sugar concentration and low moisture content is very difficult to deteriorate. Thanks to the sugar contained in it, the development of bacteria and microorganisms is prevented.

In addition, its acidic structure is resistant to deterioration. Even the honey jars that remained thousands of years ago are still edible.

Nevertheless, it is useful to remind you, since it tends to attract moisture, it should stand in a cool place and the container should not have air.

2. Dried Legumes

Lentils, beans, chickpeas, dry cowpea… All; Foods that can withstand decimal years when stored in dry, cool and air -proof containers. The only minus side is that they harden over time, but this does not cause a random problem except for the extension of the cooking response.

3. Rice

Especially if you keep white rice in truth conditions, it can last for decades of legumes because it has a low moisture ratio and rusheymi is removed with dandruff in the processing process.

On the other hand, it is not very solid compared to white rice because it contains brunette rice oil. It can deteriorate within 6 months to 1 year.

4. Sugar

As in honey, high sugar concentration in sugar prevents the development of bacteria and microorganisms. It can lump in humid environments, but that doesn’t mean it is broken.

5. salt

The salt used to protect food throughout history does not deteriorate because it is a mineral. It can be lumpy because it only tends to attract moisture. For this, it is valuable to store it in a dry environment.

6. Dried pasta

Dry pasta, which has a very low moisture content, can be stored for years when protected in an air -proof container and in a moisture -free environment. However, mold or insect can occur if it suffers moisture.

7. Vinegar

Vinegar with acidic structure is resistant to deterioration. In particular, white vinegar and apple cider vinegar can be stored almost forever when stored properly. Although the color or taste changes, it does not mean that it is broken.

8. Canned foods

Especially in survival cinemas, canned foods, which are frequently encountered, can last for a long time because they have been closed and pass through the sterilization process.

But if the boxes are damaged or swell, it can be broken. I need to pay attention to this.

9. Dried foods

Dried fruits, vegetables and meats; They are longer than moisture without moisture, but of course there are issues to be considered here. Since they tend to pull moisture, they should be stored in an air -proof container and the environment in which they are should not be moist.

10. Hard alcohols

If we think of a really possible disaster scenario, alcohol may also be useful. Rom, vodka, whiskeys with high alcohol content; Even after the bottle is opened, they will not spoil if you store it in a cool and dark place. We can’t say anything to changing the usual taste.

Sources: Healthline, Popsc

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