If blue fumes started to come out of your vehicle, do not skip for the health of your engine.

If blue fumes started to come out of your vehicle, do not skip for the health of your engine.

Because the vehicle’s blue smoke throws, often important glooms to the engine. Moreover, it is not that easy to rely on a single reason.

So let’s explain: Why does the vehicle throw blue smoke?

Blue smoke of vehicles is often related to engine oil.

In such a case, first of all, it is necessary to look at the main reason for the emergence of blue smoke. On the basis of this problem, the motor oil is infiltrated into the combustion chamber and lies in burning. This means that there is wear or damage somewhere in the engine. Exactly what causes this problem can change.

One of the most common reasons for this is the erosion of the segments. The segments are located around the pistons and provide sealing in the middle of the combustion chamber with engine oil. These rings, which are worn by time, cause the engine oil to infiltrate the combustion chamber. The oil burns here and causes blue smoke to come out.

The abrasion in the segments may have a significant effect on the overall health of the engine. Because these leaks in the engine can cause fat loss and larger engine failures to mark.

The abrasion of valve felts is another cause of blue smoke.

The valve felt prevents the oil that can infiltrate the cylinders of the engine. If these felts are eroded, the engine oil passes through the valves to the cylinders and burns here to form blue smoke. The problems of the valves and segments may adversely affect the smooth operation of the engine. When this procedure is detected on the occasion, the situation should be quickly intervened.

Turbo failures, especially in turbo motor vehicles, can be the cause of this smoke.

Since the Turbo is a component that improves the performance of the engine, a random fault can lead to the oil or exhaust leakage of the oil. This causes blue smoke to come out of the vehicle again. This medical malfunctions in turbo motors both reduce the performance of the vehicle and can lead to higher cost repairs.

In addition to all these, the cylinder cover or gasket problems should not be forgotten. Damage to the cylinder lid gasket causes the motor oil to pass into the combustion chamber. In particular, in cases where the engine is very hot, we frequently come across this type of gasket problems. In addition, the wear of the motor causes expansion of the cylinder walls and causes the oil to leak and burn.

The use of wrong or excess engine oil also causes this.

If the level of the engine oil is too high, the excess oil can leak into the combustion chamber, where it burns and causes blue smoke output. Using an oil that is not suitable for the engine of the usual vehicle also causes us to encounter problems.

Blue smoke is a harbinger of a problem that many people do not notice but causes big issues. Determining the source is quite valuable for vehicle health. Because a small problem can be a harbinger of big issues. For this, we recommend systematically maintenance and fat control.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

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