How to unmute an account or a story you muted on Instagram?

How to open muted account on Instagram? We explained the steps to unmute. How can you unmute an account or story that you previously muted on Instagram for any reason? We explain step by step...
 How to unmute an account or a story you muted on Instagram?
READING NOW How to unmute an account or a story you muted on Instagram?

There are many different reasons why you might mute someone’s posts or stories on Instagram. But these reasons don’t always mean you want to mute them forever. If you change your mind, you can unmute their posts or stories.

It is not possible to unmute posts on a computer and you have to use your mobile device. Here’s how to unmute posts on Instagram on your iPhone or Android device.

Unmute Account on Instagram

If you’ve muted someone’s Instagram posts before, just follow these steps to unmute that person:

  1. Go to the Instagram profile of the person or account you want to unmute.

  2. Tap Following on the left side of the screen.

  3. Select the mute section.

  4. Turn off the mute option next to Posts, Stories, or both.

Unmute Story on Instagram

If you’ve muted a particular Instagram story but now want to unmute it again, you can do so with the following steps, even if you forgot the muted account:

  1. Open Instagram and log in if necessary.

  2. Scroll through your story feed at the top of the screen until you find a gray icon – it’s a story you’ve muted.

  3. Tap and hold the gray profile picture. Tap

  4. Volume Up.

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