Pi Coin finally started to be listed in large stock exchanges. For years, users who have been in Pi Coin mining on their phones now have the opportunity to transform these coins into real money. Here is everything you need to know to sell Pi Coin and how to get the best price.
How is Pi Coin transfer to the stock market?
The first step is to move your Pi Coin from your Pi Network wallet to a stock market. To do this, open the Pi Browser and log in to your Pi Network wallet. After opening your wallet with your password, click the “Pay/Request” tab and select “Manually Add Wallet Address”.
Find your deposit address for Pi by switching to OKX or Bitget Exchange. Paste this address to your Pi Wallet and confirm the transfer process. Although transfers usually last 10-30 minutes, delays may occur depending on the network density. After waiting for your transaction to be reflected on the stock market, you are ready to sell your Pi Coin.
OKX and Bitget for the sale of Pi Coin starts on February 20, 2025. OKX will be opened at 08:00 at 08:00 UTC. You can use the market order or limit order during the sale process. The market order sells your coin instantly, but the price can fluctuate. The limit order allows you to sell at the price you set.
After the sale is completed, you can withdraw the USDT or other crypto currencies you have obtained in return for Pi to your bank account. Alternatively, you can convert USDT directly to cash through P2P trade. The stock market will be opened on February 21, 2025, until this date you can keep your tokens on the stock market.
What should be considered when selling Pi Coin?
Don’t be hasty to get the best price. Carefully examine the graphics and follow market trends. If possible, choose limit orders and make your sales transactions not collectively, but piece by piece. This helps to prevent price shifts and provides a better gain.
Pi Coin’s price after listing may be speculative, so it is important to carefully evaluate the decision to sell or hold. High demand can increase the price in the short term. But don’t forget to consider your long -term expectations.
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