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How to Maintain Your Weight by Eating Intuitively

Today, it is known that many people follow various diets to maintain their weight. Intuitive eating is different from any diet method you've ever heard of.
 How to Maintain Your Weight by Eating Intuitively
READING NOW How to Maintain Your Weight by Eating Intuitively

Intuitive eating has the mission of being at peace with all kinds of food. As it is known, many diet methods are for the complete restriction of certain foods.

Intuitive eating style says that you should not attach meanings such as harmful, harmless, good or bad to foods. The reason for this is that this understanding of nutrition has a belief that people should act by listening to their bodies because the body knows what it needs. According to this nutrition type; Since the body will want what it needs, weight control is also achieved.

According to the intuitive eating approach, you should eat what your body needs.

This understanding of nutrition is not based on an understanding that tells a person to eat whatever they want. Experts say that you can better understand your body by eating intuitively.

It’s about your body sending you “hungry” signals when you’re hungry or “I’m full” when you’re full. Experts state that the hunger and satiety signal is a natural ability in every human being.

The most important detail in intuitive eating is that those who adopt this diet no longer worry about weight.

While people used to diet to look slimmer, those who adopt intuitive eating completely leave behind the concern of appearance. Being thin or fat doesn’t matter to someone who eats intuitively; rather, one focuses entirely on consuming the best foods for their physical and mental health.

In the intuitive understanding of nutrition, all foods have the same value.

In intuitive nutrition, individuals are advised to know their bodies well. So whether the person is really hungry or not is important for this type of diet. It is said that in the eating behavior by listening to intuition, if the body feels hungry, it is beneficial to include all kinds of foods without separating the foods according to their calories or types.

It is recommended that you listen to your intuition and check whether your stomach is full while eating. For example, if you are full, you may have to leave the food even if the food on your plate is not finished. As you can see, intuitive eating is an alternative diet in which all foods can be consumed according to the needs of the body and your taste.

You need to know that when you eat something harmful while eating intuitively, you will not gain weight immediately.

In this type of diet, there is no belief that when you consume harmful foods such as chocolate and chips, even for just one day, you will gain weight immediately, as in other diet approaches. In other words, if you prefer these types of foods from time to time while eating intuitively, these foods will not be seen as evasion as in other diet applications.

However, studies show that those who eat intuitively constantly, although they cannot lose weight, their body mass index is not very high and they feel better psychologically. Ultimately, trying to eat with your intuition without consulting a dietitian or a nutritionist may not be right for everyone.

Sources: 1, 2

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