How to Learn SSD Health? The most sufficient SSD Sıhhat Test Programs

How to Learn SSD Health? The most sufficient SSD Sıhhat Test Programs

The storage driver is one of the most important hardware of the computer, whether SSD or HDD. SSD HardDisk is as important as CPU and GPU, as it is in constant use and stores things like PC’s operating system and all your critical data. SSD health requires less attention and care than a few other important components, but how to look at SSD health in order to ensure that it provides trouble -free performance and avoid data loss? You need to know. The best programs to learn about SSD health test -free method and harddisk health are here.

SSD health test without program ✅

The way to learn PC SSD health without program; To use the built -in analysis tool in Windows 10/11. The command request can access Smart information, a tracking system that determines whether SSD harddisk is working healthy. If you have noticed slow performance, corrupt files or another problem, you can use Windows Management Tools Command Line (WMIC). So how to learn SSD health without program? Let’s see step by step:
  1. Click on the taskbar in the taskbar
  2. Write cmd
  3. Write WMIC in the Command Prompt window
  4. Enter the Diskrive Get Status command
  5. If he wrote “ok”, SSD’s health is good
  6. SSD is defective if it says “preder perpetrator”

Learning SSD Health with CrystalDiskınfo ⚙️

Smart (self -monitoring, analysis and reporting technology) is a tracking system embedded in SSDs. It monitors the internal information of the drivers and works independently of other fields such as operating system, tracking software and more. This means that you can check the Smart data on any operating system device as long as you use the right program. CrystalDiskMark is a commonly used program to control SSD health. How to perform SSD Health Test with CrystalDiskMark Program? Let’s see step by step:
  1. Download CrystalDiskMark Program
  2. Start the program to see SSD health
  3. See the Health Status section
  4. If good is written 100 %, SSD health is good

Top 5 SSD Health Test Program ⬇️

SSD health test programs make it easier for you to learn how healthy your SSD hard drive is. Most of the SSD health tool allows you to optimize or set your SSD. In addition, they test the SSD performance by testing the SSD transfer rate and make SSD/Disk comparisons that can measure your SSD performance. You can see if the writing/reading data given by the manufacturer are correct. If SSD contains sensitive information and needs to be deleted, you can also use these programs for safe SSD deletion.
  • Intel SSD Toolbox
  • Samsung Magician
  • Crystal Disk Info
  • Smartmonotools
  • Hard disk sentinel

Even the best SSDs on the market cause problems at some point. Therefore, it is important to control SSD health. You don’t have to look at SSD health every day, but it is useful to check your computer regularly for the performance operation of your computer. If SSD health is 50 %and below, it may perform low. You can learn the status of harddiscin with SSD health test programs to test SSD health. In both ways, how SSD health is controlled in this article.