How Many Can You Do On This Psychology Test?

If you are a psychologist or are interested in psychology, this test is for you. See how many of these tests you know, including twenty syndromes, some of which you've never heard of, and of course learn about the others. You never know where it will work for you.
 How Many Can You Do On This Psychology Test?
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Psychology is the science that studies human behavior. He also uses some concepts while examining the human being. One of them is the syndrome.

Syndromes are special words that refer to many different symptoms such as “bad feelings” or “strange thoughts” that cause certain problems in some people. In this article, we will give the symptom and you will try to find out which syndrome/phenomenon/effect it is.

Click on the picture to find out what the names of these syndromes are!

1. This syndrome gets its name from the Red Army Faction.

In this phenomenon, once you learn some information about something, you start seeing it everywhere. You feel as if that thing is suddenly everywhere!

A) Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon

B) Red Army Syndrome

C) Red Effect

D) Zeigarnik Effect

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2. This syndrome takes its name from a book.

In this syndrome, which sounds like a beautiful fairy tale, but is actually very disturbing for the person living, people may not see the real world as the real world and they may think that they live in a fairy tale world.

A) Pinocchio Syndrome

B) Diderot Effect

C) Around the World in 80 Days

D) Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

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3. If having ideas without knowledge was a syndrome, this would be it.

Discovered by two American social psychologists, some people think they are smarter than they really are. In other words, they think that they are experts in matters that they are not experts in.

A) Dunning-Kruger Effect

B) Capgras Delusion

C) Barnum Effect

D) Ignorance Syndrome

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4. Fortune tellers and astrologers take advantage of this syndrome to make money.

In this syndrome, people may always perceive the descriptions that describe them as unique to them. In other words, you think that universal truths such as “You love your mother” belong to you only.

A) Fortune Teller Syndrome

B) Barnum Effect

C) Imposter Syndrome

D) Bystander Effect

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5. This syndrome is also known as the syndrome of people with self-confidence problems.

People with this syndrome have low self-confidence because they attribute their success to luck or other factors, rather than to themselves.

A) Imposter Syndrome

B) Freudian Phenomenon

C) Stendhal Effect

D) Self-Insecurity Syndrome

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6. This syndrome takes its name from the 1973 bank robbery in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

A bank employee held hostage for 6 days by a bank robber becomes emotionally attached to the criminal. In other words, in this syndrome, the hostage person defends their side instead of developing a negative attitude towards the hostage person or institution.

A) Swedish Phenomenon

B) Stockholm Syndrome

C) Robbery Love Phenomenon

D) Diderot Phenomenon

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7. The sentence “Your beauty made me dizzy” loses its figurative meaning with this syndrome and gains its literal meaning.

In this syndrome, people experience dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, etc., in the face of beautiful works of art or natural landscapes. may experience symptoms.

A) Stendhal Syndrome

B) Art Effect

C) The Da Vinci Phenomenon

D) Van Gogh Syndrome

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8. This syndrome is discovered during research in a factory.

It has been observed that our performance increases spontaneously when there is someone watching us. So in this syndrome we want to present ourselves in a positive way and influence others.

A) Experimental Syndrome

B) The Hawthorne Experiment Phenomenon

C) Audience Effect

D) Hawthorne Effect

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9. A syndrome that you can use to forget the song that is stuck in your tongue.

According to the syndrome in question; Unfinished things are remembered more than completed ones. So if you want to forget the song that is stuck in your tongue, try to complete it by singing the song.

A) Completion Phenomenon

B) Zeigarnik Effect

C) Tourette’s Syndrome

D) Asperger’s Syndrome

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10. Maybe we can explain the rush of housewives to change curtains, armchairs and carpets with this effect.

In other words, when a person has an item with this effect, he wants that item to be compatible with other items around him or to form a whole with other items. That’s why he constantly buys new items.

A) The Phenomenon of Passion for Buying New Items

B) Diderotic Syndrome

C) Diderot Effect

D) Denis Diderot Syndrome

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