How can astronauts manage to drink water in gravity? The state of supply is more interesting!

How can astronauts manage to drink water in gravity? The state of supply is more interesting!

It is a matter of curiosity how astronauts can do their daily activities while in space. For example, how do they shower, how can they cry, how do they make their toilets?

Today’s point and question is how astronauts drink water in a gravity.

There are specially designed systems for use in micro gravity.

In an environment where gravity is almost at all, the astronauts must have another system compared to that they cannot drink water from the glass, right? There are systems specially designed with the ambition to prevent the water from filtering and disintegration.

Water is stored in indoor bags with a special valve. Astronauts absorb water with flexible pipettes connected to these bags.

Astronaut Artificial Williams showed how they drink water as follows:

So how is water supply?

The water brought from the Earth is reused with recycling systems at the International Space Station. Even the moisture of the astronauts with sweat and breath is purified with these advanced filtration systems and transformed into drinking water.

Sources: 1, 2

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