In this content, we have compiled the interesting drawings of artist Jeff Lee Johnson. The highlight of the artist’s works is the attention he gives to details. In addition, the artist fills in these details in his works by processing horror elements.
In addition to horror-themed drawings, the artist also produces fantasy and science fiction works. We have included some of them in our content. Now, let’s take a closer look at Johnson’s works full of chilling details.
How chaotic can a beach photo be?
- Jeff Lee Johnson
First of all, the detail that caught our attention was the character resembling Medusa on the glasses. After that, when you look right under the glasses, we see that the dog is dealing with a creature that we cannot get very well. We don’t even want to think about where our guy in the striped T-shirt came from with the bloody towel, T-shirt, and knife in his hand.
Things get even weirder in the back:
When you look right behind the man we’re talking about, you can see someone buried in the sand and people drawn into the sea. It is obvious that the children of the man in the red sweater also have something strange in their legs. Although the lounge chair rental section seems normal at first glance, the pool of blood on the bottom draws attention. So are the tentacles holding up a woman, which we see at the top.
The last chilling detail we found is the doll photographed and looking quite happy for her condition.
The menu of the day should not have been like this:
- Jeff Lee Johnson
The first striking detail in this work is the coffee’s taste. skull on it. Right in front of us is a mother tugging at her son with her tentacles. Under the table and counter, we see more tentacles and a strange creature. Besides, no sane person would want to eat that oddly cut pie.
Meanwhile, what is the man at our next table doing?
The character, who reads his newspaper calmly, has eyes and fingers on his plate. On the door of the sink, there is the handprint of someone who probably had a hard time. Finally, the face of the second character on the table with the pie is also quite strange.
The hotel where everyone gives five stars of their own free will:
- Jeff Lee Johnson
Here, our character is a little less than normal. The white skin color, which is beyond, attracts attention. The cat we see on the right is dealing with a tentacle and just behind it we see a puddle of blood. It is certain that not very good things are happening in the phone booth in the upper left.
When we look at the elevators, we see a silhouette and a man falling into the elevator shaft. In addition, a symbol resembling the Illuminati draws attention on the elevator door. There is also a figure that we can compare to the shadow or silhouette of a man hanging himself in the elevator on the left. When we look at the ceiling of the reception, we see a much larger than normal spider.
It would be okay if we didn’t go out today:
- Jeff Lee Johnson
One of the first striking details in this image is the snake shaped bicycle bell. When you look next to it, you can see the tentacles coming out of the food. The remains of blood on the walls and floor of the cafe on the right do not escape our attention.
There is a wolf who doesn’t seem very friendly, and there are hands reaching out from the sewer next to the wolf’s feet. We also see a man holding an ax at the top. On the wall of the cafe on the left, a creature reminiscent of an anglerfish and its tentacles can be seen. The bloody clothes hanging on the clothesline is the last creepy detail we caught.
Bonus: A few of the artist’s other works
You can reach the artist’s website here. He has many works in different categories. You can share your favorite works in our content in the comments.