Hogwarts Legacy gets a lot of attention

Hogwarts Legacy gets a lot of attention
Hogwarts Legacy, one of the most anticipated games of the year, has opened as of today, and achieved a significant success thanks to its early access option. Gamers show great interest in early access.

Is Hogwarts Legacy out?

Players flocked to the game Hogwarts Legacy, which offers 72 hours of early access with a 799 TL package. It is stated that there are around 500 thousand instant early access users before the game’s release. Thus, the number of 474 thousand players belonging to the Fallout 4 game has been exceeded. The record is in Cyberpunk 2077 with 1 million people.

The early access move has been a blessing for publishers as well. In addition to the first review and long gameplay videos of the game, the platforms are full of live broadcasts. A historical record was broken with more than 1 million instant viewers on Twitch. Early access was only available with a margin of 100.