Higher Education Law Reorganized

With the new law published in the Official Gazette, important changes and innovations were made in the Higher Education Law.
 Higher Education Law Reorganized
READING NOW Higher Education Law Reorganized

The Law on the Amendment of the Higher Education Law and Some Laws entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette today. With the law, regulations were made on disciplinary investigations and penalties in higher education institutions, and it was announced that the National Intelligence Academy would be established under the MIT.

The National Intelligence Academy will be responsible for postgraduate education, scientific research and publication in the fields of intelligence and national security. Other changes and innovations made with the new law published are as follows:

Role of institutions and students in disciplinary proceedings:

Disciplinary investigations opened by institutions will be initiated immediately after the incident is learned and will be terminated within 30 days at the latest. If it is not terminated within this period, the institution may request additional time for the investigation with justification.

  • Within 1 month in the punishments of reprimand and suspension from the higher education institution from one week to one month;
  • Within 3 months for suspension from the higher education institution for 1 or 2 semesters, and
  • If a disciplinary investigation is not initiated within 3 months, the authority to impose disciplinary punishment will expire.

In the event that disciplinary punishment is not imposed within 2 years at the latest from the date of committing the acts that require disciplinary punishment, the authority of the institution to impose disciplinary punishment will expire.

The student, about whom a disciplinary investigation has been initiated, will be notified in writing at least 7 days before the date on which he will make his defense, about what the alleged crime is about. The student will be able to make the defense orally or in writing.

Disciplinary penalties:

If the student re-performs an action given a disciplinary penalty within the statute of limitations for that penalty, a severe penalty will be imposed.

In addition, in case of repetition of the disciplinary offense, the penalty of expulsion from the higher education institution will not be imposed.

Some universities have changed names:

  • Beykent University -> Istanbul Beykent University
  • Alanya Hamdullah Emin Pasa University -> Alanya University
  • Antalya AKEV University -> Antalya Bebek University
  • Nisantasi University -> Istanbul Nisantasi University
  • Nisantasi Vocational School -> Istanbul Nisantasi Vocational School

You can access all articles of the law published in the Official Gazette by clicking this link.

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