Kojima wants to make a space-themed game
Hideo Kojima, one of the most important figures in the game world, said in his speech, “I want to go to space. I want to go to space and create a game that you can play in space… So please someone send me to space.” used his statements.
Kojima has also talked about his desire to create a game that will self-destruct if the player dies in-game many times in the past. Kojima, on the other hand, started his career at Konami in 1986, where he designed Metal Gear (1987) for MSX2, laying the groundwork for the stealth genre in video games. Working at Konami for over 30 years, he produced numerous acclaimed Metal Gear Solid games, the mechanical game Zone of the Enders, as well as the adventure games Snatcher (1988) and Policenauts (1994). Kojima most recently appeared in Death Stranding (2019). While work continues on Death Stranding 2, Kojima is also working on the Death Stranding movie.