Heavy Criticism of Social Media Phenomena by Okan Bayülgen

Okan Bayülgen, who participated in the program "Choose Your Side" broadcast on the TV channel Haber Global, made harsh statements about social media phenomena. Bayülgen stated that all internet phenomena are garbage and that with the disappearance of social media platforms, the phenomena will be forgotten.
 Heavy Criticism of Social Media Phenomena by Okan Bayülgen
READING NOW Heavy Criticism of Social Media Phenomena by Okan Bayülgen

One of Turkey’s most popular comedians, Okan Bayülgen, made harsh statements about social media phenomena in the program named “Choose Your Side” broadcast on Haber Global. Describing the phenomena as “garbage”, Bayülgen stated that their sole aim was money and that it was embarrassing for the names in the art community to try to become a phenomenon.

According to Okan Bayülgen, “poor” internet phenomena will only be among us as long as some platforms exist. If something happens to these channels, the phenomena will also disappear. The fact that Bayülgen spoke anonymously seems to annoy many social media phenomena who saw the statement. The magazine world may bring up a polemic arising from this issue in the coming days.

“The only purpose is money”

Okan Bayülgen’s explanation of the phenomena is not surprising at all. Because the famous comedian has expressed his hatred for social media in the statements he made in the past. Here is the statement made by Okan Bayülgen in the program named Choose Your Side:

“I’m throwing them all away. They’re garbage, they’re all garbage. They’re all pathetic trying to make money. Nothing will happen to them. They’re people who can do anything as long as some apps are valid and make a little money this way. Nothing else. And It makes me feel ashamed that artists we love and know are involved in these works. I don’t understand why people condescend to this on Instagram instead of doing their art. I think it’s a very ugly thing.”

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