Heart created with 3D printing managed to beat autonomously for 100 days
Using 3D printing, researchers have successfully created a miniature heart chamber that can beat autonomously for more than 100 days. The groundbreaking experiment involved the use of human cardiomyocytes, collagen and hyaluronic acid to create a unique biological ink. This special ink was then carefully injected into a gel-supported cardiac tissue structure using a nozzle. After pressing, the gel solidified, resulting in the formation of an artificial heart chamber.
In the next step, the researchers aim to inject a second bio-ink into these microchambers. With this innovative approach, the blood vessels in the chambers will be enlarged and will pave the way for the compression of a fully functional heart.
British scientists recently came to the fore by successfully placing a conductive circuit in a living organism using 3D printing. Now, the creation of this artificial heart may indicate that technology will bring breakthrough developments in the field of health.