It is said that OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-supported chat robot ChatGPT can take the jobs of many people. But it seems that the opposite can also happen. In other words, ChatGPT can help people multitask.
Vice interviewed several employees about how they use ChatGPT in their daily work lives. Employee experiences seem to be linked to a trend that emerged early in the pandemic, with many employees taking advantage of remote work by taking a covert second job.
An employee who wishes to remain anonymous and speaks under the pseudonym Ben said he applied for a second job after realizing he could use the AI tool at work. Based in Toronto, Ben helps fintech companies market new products. And for this he needs to write various promotional texts. He tells Vice that ChatGPT helps him do his job faster and more efficiently, which saves him more time.
Earlier this year, Ben said that after using the chatbot he realized he had time to find a second job. He told the news source that the release of GPT-4, an updated version of the AI model that underpins ChatGPT, has made things even easier. “It’s the only reason I can get a second job,” Ben told Vice.
He adds that he even uses the chatbot to write messages to his manager, and the bot has been successful enough to recommend that he write them in lowercase letters to make them look organic.
Ben notes that he still needs to correct the texts produced by ChatGPT from time to time.