He invented artificial intelligence: Strong as steel, light as foam

He invented artificial intelligence: Strong as steel, light as foam

Probably not surprisingly, scientists have found a new usage area for artificial intelligence. The researchers designed an incredibly powerful new material, although it was extremely light, using artificial intelligence. This impressive material, developed by artificial intelligence, is especially exciting because it is as light as styrofoam while it has the durability of carbon steel.

Material engineers often spend years by experimenting with different structures to optimize strength, weight and durability. However, this is now changing thanks to machine learning. According to a new article, Toronto University and Caltech researchers have used artificial intelligence to help analyze a large number of possible nanoyaps to find out which designs were the best distribution of stress while carrying heavy loads. In this way, the researchers could only go beyond lectures from past successes.

AI suggested completely new cage geometries that have never been seen before. The researchers later printed these structures as ultra -light nano cages, and found that it was twice as strong as the previously known designs and five times more powerful than titanium.

One of the biggest challenges in material science is to establish a balance between the power and fragility of the material (or hardness). A ceramic dinner plate is strong but fragile. Therefore, although it can carry too much weight, it is easily disintegrated. The same problem applies to Nano architectural materials, which are incredibly harsh but tend to break suddenly due to this stiffness.

Designed by artificial intelligence, this new material seems to overcome this problem. It is not only light enough to significantly reduce fuel consumption in aircraft, helicopters and spacecraft, but also with excessive stress. In fact, researchers say that the replacement of titanium components on the aircraft with this new material can save up to 80 liters of fuel per year for each replacement.

However, this development goes far beyond some kind of material. Scientists prove the ability of artificial intelligence to design these new materials, but aim to develop even more powerful and lightweight materials for spacecraft, high -performance vehicles, and even buildings.