He bought and modified the car his father sold after 20 years

He bought and modified the car his father sold after 20 years

An auto mechanic living in Karaman, who is interested in tuning, bought his father’s 1991 model sparrow car with a watch 20 years ago.

The car, which can be renewed from start to finish, can reach up to 100 kilometers in 6 seconds; He placed 2nd in the last race he participated in.

He bought his father’s car after 20 years.

Mehmet Aykan, an auto mechanic, came across the car his father bought in 1991 and sold after 11 years of use, 20 years later in an advertisement. Ayken, who bought the car immediately, started to participate in the races after modifying the car. In his spare time, Ayhan takes care of the vehicle, whose seats and rearview mirrors are removed so that it does not weigh heavily during the races. Modification enthusiasts who see the car watch it with great interest.

Stating that he has been interested in modified vehicles since his childhood, Mehmet Aykan said, “We try to participate in the races organized as much as we can. My father bought the car I drive now brand new in 1991 and sold it after driving for about 11 years. My childhood was spent in this vehicle. After 20 years, I saw the car in sales ads and bought it right away. I spent 120 thousand liras by completely renovating the car with 2 of my friends in order to participate in the races. We worked hard day and night. Since most of the parts are not here, we brought them all from outside,” he said, adding that his passion for racing never waned.

Can be connected to computer like new model vehicles

Saying that the vehicle can be connected to a computer just like new model vehicles, Aykan said, “This way, we can control the brain of the vehicle. We provide fuel with nitrogen gas so that it can reach high speed. We completed the 400 meters in 13.5 seconds in the last race held in Antalya. The vehicle runs 100 kilometers in 6 seconds. “The engine has been completely modified and has a turbocharger. In short, its engine is completely made of steel,” he said.

“We have a shortage of tracks in Karaman. We are not the only ones, we have many friends who want to participate in the races. Until now, only we were able to participate in the races held in other provinces in line with our possibilities. But we have many friends who want to participate in the races. Since there is no track in Karaman, we have many friends who want to participate in the races. I had to take the car to Konya with a tow truck for 3 days and get ready there. We want a track to be built in Karaman for him,” said Aykan.