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HBO filed a class action lawsuit: Allegedly sharing subscriber data with Facebook

It is claimed that HBO, one of the digital content platforms with a large number of users, shares user data with Facebook. A class action lawsuit was filed against the company for violation of the law.
 HBO filed a class action lawsuit: Allegedly sharing subscriber data with Facebook
READING NOW HBO filed a class action lawsuit: Allegedly sharing subscriber data with Facebook

The popular digital content platform HBO, which will soon begin to serve in our country, faced a major class action lawsuit on the grounds that it shared the subscriber data on the platform with Facebook.

Alleged violating the law

Charged with providing customer lists to Facebook and allowing users’ viewing habits to be matched with profiles in a class action lawsuit, HBO is known to send messages between a user’s computer and a web server to serve personalized ads. It uses cookies that are provided and are small pieces of data.

However, it is alleged that the company, which continues to share with Facebook without any permission from the users, despite knowing that user data is used for matching purposes, violates the Video Privacy Protection Law.

HBO Max will be available in 15 more countries in March

Added 1 month ago

We can say that if HBO is found wrong in the case, it will be fined a large fine. TikTok, which had previously been found guilty of similar allegations and partially violated the Video Privacy Protection Act, had to pay a fine of $ 92 million.

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