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  • Hackers will love it: GeForce RTX 4090 can crack eight-character password in 48 minutes

Hackers will love it: GeForce RTX 4090 can crack eight-character password in 48 minutes

The Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card is not only capable of gaming, but also extremely capable of performing tasks that require high computing power. These superior abilities of the graphics card will be used for positive things as well as for hacking something.
 Hackers will love it: GeForce RTX 4090 can crack eight-character password in 48 minutes
READING NOW Hackers will love it: GeForce RTX 4090 can crack eight-character password in 48 minutes
The Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card is not only capable of gaming, but also extremely capable of performing tasks that require high computing power. These superior abilities of the graphics card can be used for positive things as well as for hacking something. For example, some password protected data.

Sam Croley, the lead developer and part-time security analyst of Hashcat (known as the fastest password cracking tool), tested his app with a GeForce RTX 4090 3D card, and it turned out to be twice as fast at cracking passwords as the GeForce RTX 3090.

200 billion password combinations in 48 minutes

The GeForce RTX 4090 takes just 6.1 hours to guess (or crack, depending on the target) a standard eight-digit password consisting of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as special characters (this is the most common password, 32%, according to Statista). . Hacking speed can be increased by using multiple video cards of this type. For example, a ring of 8 such graphics cards can crack the password in just 48 minutes, passing it through 200 billion possible combinations.

According to the information given, it is possible to crack the passwords of almost any application or file by combining the capabilities of Hashcat and GeForce RTX 4090. Neither the Bcrypt authentication protocol nor the Microsoft NTLM network authentication can withstand this situation.

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