GTA 4 Cheats: GTA IV for PS4, Xbox and PC

GTA 4 Cheats: GTA IV for PS4, Xbox and PC

Like all other games of the GTA series, Grand Theft Auto 4, also known as GTA 4, offers fraudulent gameplay. Playing as Niko Bellic in Liberty City can be challenging, especially when you face more than one task. The best approach to deal with these difficulties is to use strong weapons and fast cars that can be obtained by the use of cheat codes. In this guide article, you can find all GTA 4 GTA IV cheat codes from GTA 4 weapons tricks to the trick and immortality trick.

The GTA 4 tricks give Niko the most mercy of the crime world without spending hours, and the power to seize Liberty City completely. GTA IV cheating codes, strong weapons that no one can stand, health and armor when you need a support, allows you to obtain tools that make it easier for you to explore the city. If you want to seize control in the game or enjoy the chaos that you can only create with unlimited power, the Grand Theft Auto 4 passwords must be at hand. Here are the GTA 4 cheat codes for PS4, PS3, Xbox and PC 👇🏻

GTA 4 Cheats 🎮

Cheating typeCheat code
Immortality trick362-555-0100
Unlimited bullet trick482-555-0100
Basic weapons486-555-0150
Advanced weapons486-555-0100
The trick of getting rid of the police267-555-0100
Increases the level of search267-555-0150
Changes the weather468-555-0100
Annihilator (helicopter)359-555-0100
Banshee (Car)265-555-2423
Cognoscenti (Mafia Car)227-555-0142
FIB Buffalo227-555-0100
JETMAX (Speed ​​boat)938-555-0100
NRG 900 (Sports Motorcycle)625-555-0100
Sanchez (Land Motoid)625-555-0150
Explosive fists (requires Ballard of Gay Tony DLC)276-555-2666
Sniper Bullet (Requires Ballard of Gay Tony DLC)486-555-2526
Parachute (requires Ballard of Gay Tony DLC)359-555-7272

GTA 4 MONEY Cheat 🤑

Unlike other GTA games, GTA 4 has no money trick. You can use a mode to add money to your wallet on PC, but if you play on the console, you need to work for it. The best and fastest way to make money in GTA IV; Stevie’s car theft tasks. When you finish the tasks, you can produce cars using the tricks and park the cars into the garage to make money.

Search for ATMs to make money at GTA 4. Wait a person to withdraw money from ATM. Kill that person and get his money and move away a few meters. When you go back to the body, you will find tons of money. Repeat the same number several times to make more money.

How to write GTA 4 tricks ⌨️

How to Open the GTA 4 Cheat Menu? It is often wondered. The phone number is used instead of key controls to activate GTA IV cheat codes. To use the cheat codes in GTA 4, you can open Niko’s phone menu, enter the corresponding code (such as phone number) and call for any trick you want to use. Then, in the upper left corner of the screen, you will see an article that says “cheat has been activated”.

In PS4, PS3 and Xbox consoles, in -game phones are used to activate GTA IV cheat codes. You can open unlimited money, immortality, police cars and more by dialing the numbers above from the in -game phone.