Greece inaugurates Europe’s largest bi-surface solar farm

Greece has launched a double-surface solar farm, the largest in Europe, capable of powering 75,000 homes a year.
 Greece inaugurates Europe’s largest bi-surface solar farm
READING NOW Greece inaugurates Europe’s largest bi-surface solar farm

Greece has made a new breakthrough in renewable energy generation. Opening a 204-megawatt (MW) solar farm, the country has become the owner of the largest solar farm with double-surface panels in Europe.

Double-surface panels can produce more energy

Wanting to increase its energy production capacity from renewable sources to 19 gigawatts by 2030, Greece recently announced that they have officially opened a solar farm that is expected to produce 350 GWh of electricity that can power 75,000 homes per year. .

Developed within the scope of a 130 million Euro project, the farm has 500,000 double-surface solar panels. The generated energy will be connected to Greece’s electricity grid in a few weeks.

Hydrogen can cause more global warming than CO2

Added 1 day ago

Double-sided solar panels can produce one-third more energy than single-sided solar panels, as they can generate electricity from both their front and back surfaces. Greece aims to meet 35% of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2030.

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