Google used 15 billion liters of water last year

Google used 15 billion liters of water last year
While human beings want the technologies at their disposal to develop continuously, they cannot understand what price this requires. Developing technology can cause problems especially in water consumption.

Google’s interesting amount of water consumption

Google is the world’s largest search engine and huge data centers are needed for the services it offers. Data centers that work this hard need to be cooled somehow. Google does this with liquid cooling.

Air-conditioning-style solutions may suffice in relatively small data centers, but when it comes to Google, the lower-cost water has to come into play. It is stated that the company uses 15 billion liters of water in 2021.

Only in the USA 80 percent of this amount was used. Statistics, on the other hand, came up with a newspaper’s request for how much water Google uses in the region. Moreover, the state government did not respond to this demand for about a year. The newspaper was able to get a result when it took the case to court. So it’s like a hiding situation. It was already on the agenda last year that an agreement was made between the administration and Google for the use of water and it was decided to keep the agreement confidential.

This figure represents the use of clean water. Google data centers also use seawater, but it is not included in these statistics. Still, 15 billion liters is a terrible figure and considering the possible water shortages in the coming years, we can say that every drop will be searched with a candle.