Google Searches for “Ethereum Merge” Reach All-Time High

Searches for “Ethereum Merge” hit an all-time high on Google
 Google Searches for “Ethereum Merge” Reach All-Time High
READING NOW Google Searches for “Ethereum Merge” Reach All-Time High

“Ethereum Merge” searches are at an all-time high on Google.

According to Google Trends data, searches for Ethereum Merge have increased dramatically over the past two weeks.

Although Ethereum Merge searches were extremely popular on March 6, they have been increasing day by day since then, setting a new record.

Canada was the most searched country in the last year. In the country, the term reached peak popularity between March 13 and March 19. However, there was a decrease until March 26.

Australia also came in second, slightly below the Canadians. Singapore came after these two countries. The United Kingdom and the Netherlands ranked fifth and sixth respectively.

Google Trends also saw an increase in searches for “Ethereum Merge” and similar terms. Searches for terms such as “Proof of Stake”, “Ethereum merger date” and “Ethereum 2.0 release date” were also on the rise.

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