Google is sending another service to the “app graveyard”

Google announced that it will shut down its service, which allows Google Assistant to buy movie tickets online, at the end of the year.
 Google is sending another service to the “app graveyard”
READING NOW Google is sending another service to the “app graveyard”

Another app will be added to Google’s app graveyard soon. The internet giant has announced that it will shut down its Duplex on the Web service. According to the statement, the service will not operate from the end of 2022.

“At the end of this year, we will shut down Duplex and focus on developing the artificial intelligence of Duplex voice technology that helps people every day,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement.

Google first announced Duplex on the Web in 2019 as an extension of Duplex phone reservation artificial intelligence. Initially, this feature was designed to help Android users buy movie tickets. Duplex on the Web gave Assistant the ability to navigate websites on its own. Users who stored their credit card information in Chrome could have the assistant buy movie tickets for them. Google later expanded this feature to protect users against online data breaches.

Google’s shutdown of Duplex on the Web may be due to the huge costs of crawling websites with artificial intelligence. Google crawls websites several times a day using special robot software. If webmasters prevent their sites from being indexed, it puts an extra load on the robots.

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