Google Chrome Stops Supporting Older Android Phones

Google Chrome Stops Supporting Older Android Phones

Many different versions of Android, the most common operating system in the smartphone market, are actively used. Although the most current Android operating system is Android 14, the most widely used version is still Android 11. Google is preparing to end its support for some Android versions.

Chrome is also a frequently updated application and its current version is Chrome 119. Android 7 (Nougat) users using this version of the browser are invited to update their devices to avoid losing browser support. On the support page on Google’s blog, it is stated that Chrome support will end on devices with Android 7.1 and older operating systems as of Chrome 120.

At least Android 8.0 operating system will be required

With the 2023-46-0-581792699 version of Google Calendar, which has not yet been distributed, support for older Android versions will be terminated in this application. This won’t affect too many Android users. In reports published in June 2023, it was stated that only 3 percent of smartphones with the actively used Android operating system were using Android 7.1. The share of older operating systems was 5 percent.

People using these devices may have to change devices to receive other updates in the future, in addition to using the new Chrome and Calendar features. Because Android 7.1 is also a very old operating system and manufacturers may now be releasing updates for these devices.