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Good news for iOS users: YouTube makes that feature publicly available!

Having completed the testing phase for iOS devices, YouTube is preparing to activate the PiP mode on these devices soon.
 Good news for iOS users: YouTube makes that feature publicly available!
READING NOW Good news for iOS users: YouTube makes that feature publicly available!

YouTube PiP (Picture in Picture) mode offers its users the opportunity to watch videos in an external window. In this way, you can run other applications and switch between applications simultaneously while watching a video.

The company started testing this feature on iOS devices in June 2021. However, the transition process to general use was not very fast. Offering a temporary solution by giving priority to premium subscribers, YouTube is finally finishing the testing phase of this feature for iPhones and iPads.

YouTube PiP mod testing phase is over for iOS devices!

The “Picture-in-Picture on iOS” experiment has been lost since early April. When you want to try this feature, you are now greeted with the title “The feature you tried has been turned off”. However, YouTube PiP is still active for iPhone and iPad users who have already enabled testing.

It seems that this feature is not lost in iOS device users where PiP is actively used. Premium accounts that previously used this feature continue to use this feature on their new devices. However, iOS devices belonging to accounts that have never made this attempt, unfortunately, cannot access this feature at the moment. Although 10 months have passed, YouTube has not yet made this feature widely available.

Although this is the case, the end of the trial phase indicates that the PiP feature will be available to the general public soon. YouTube will soon make an announcement announcing that it is making the PiP mode widely available for iOS devices. PiP mode is expected to become fully active this week.

So what do you think about YouTube PiP mode, is it delayed to come to iOS devices? You can share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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