God of War and Horizon’s Series Coming!

God of War and Horizon’s Series Coming!

While the games that left their mark on the game world continue to come to the screen as a series or movie, an exciting statement came from Sony today. While we have heard that the work for the God of War series has started before, Sony officially announced that the God of War series will come today. However, he also reported on both games.

Sony, which came together with its investors, announced that three of its games would be adapted into the series in the presentation it made during the meeting. These games became God of War, Horizon and Gran Turismo games. It has also been announced on which platforms the adaptation series of PlayStation’s best-selling games will be published. However, it was stated that one of the games is still pending.

God of War will be released on Amazon, Horizon on Netflix:

According to Sony’s statement, God of War’s series will be hosted on Amazon Prime Video will be published. The first PlayStation exclusive game Sony brought to PC and the best-selling game on PC, Horizon’s series will be broadcast on Netflix. On the other hand, it was stated that Gran Turismo is currently idle on broadcast platforms.

Sony had previously brought some of its popular games to the screens and announced that it would carry new ones. While the work on The Last of Us and Twisted Metal TV series was continuing, it was announced that the Ghost of Tsushima movie would be released. Sony’s giant rival in the game world, Microsoft, also recently brought the popular game series Halo to the screens.