Gender of Surgeons Affects Surgical Outcomes

A new study comparing the sex of the surgeon, the sex of the patient, and the results of the surgery has revealed a different outcome that could cost patients their health and even their lives.
 Gender of Surgeons Affects Surgical Outcomes
READING NOW Gender of Surgeons Affects Surgical Outcomes

A new study was conducted revealing that the gender of surgeons and patients affects the results of the surgery. The result is quite interesting, although the reason is not known yet. In its simplest summary, this situation is as follows: There is a significant difference between the results of male surgeons and female surgeons operating on opposite sex and same-sex patients.

Comparing the available data, female patients operated on by female surgeons are healthier and more likely to survive than those operated by male surgeons. A similar scenario applies in the opposite case, but in that case the rates are much lower.

The study was conducted with 1.3 million patients:

According to data obtained in a study conducted by 21 experienced surgeons in Ontario, Canada, with 1.3 million patients between 2007 and 2019, female patients are 16% more likely to experience complications, have a longer hospital stay of 20%, and die risk of dying when operated by male surgeons. 32 more.

On the other hand, male patients are 2% more likely to experience complications and 13% more likely to die when operated on by female surgeons. The reason for this strange situation has not yet been discovered for now.

However, in some studies conducted in the past on this subject, after obtaining similar results, some results were focused on, such as female doctors listening to their patients better or getting more positive results because they used different prescriptions and treatments. However, more studies are needed to confirm these data.

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