Furniture Company Doğtaş Moves To Metaverse

The furniture industry has also started to find a place in the metaverse universe gradually.
 Furniture Company Doğtaş Moves To Metaverse
READING NOW Furniture Company Doğtaş Moves To Metaverse

The furniture industry has also slowly started to find a place in the metaverse universe. Furniture company Doğtaş has announced that it has started preparations to open a store in metaverse.

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Metaverse universe has become Doğtaş’s new focus. Doğtaş has started to work to bring furniture and accessories that add value to living spaces to its consumers in the metaverse universe.

“We are on the Countdown for Doğtaş’s Metaverse Store”

Doğtaş Deputy General Manager Erim Tamer said in his statement on the subject;

“We are counting down for Doğtaş’s metaverse store. We follow technological developments closely, and we have taken this step in line with our digital strategy. We bought our land, we set up our store, we are in the process of placing our products.”

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