Former Google CEO Describes Bitcoin Technology as Extraordinary

With the repost of a video in 2014, it became clear that Google Ex-CEO Eric Schmidt found the cryptographic success of Bitcoin (BTC) phenomenal.
 Former Google CEO Describes Bitcoin Technology as Extraordinary
READING NOW Former Google CEO Describes Bitcoin Technology as Extraordinary

With the repost of a video in 2014, it became clear that Google Ex-CEO Eric Schmidt found the cryptographic success of Bitcoin (BTC) phenomenal.

Speaking at the Computer History Museum in 2014, Schmidt appears to have voiced the fact that Bitcoin is a highly valuable technology but has its drawbacks in using the asset as currency.

Stating that Bitcoin technology can be used in more institutions in the future, Schmidt can be seen as support for the expectations of the asset, which he showed in the years when Bitcoin adoption was very low.

In a panel he attended, Schmidt said that Bitcoin has been a remarkable achievement and its ability to create value that cannot be replicated in the digital world is invaluable. He said that it is an incredible development that Bitcoin technology has non-replicable ledgers, a lot of people will start a business on it.

Schmidt’s Interest in Crypto

Eric Schmidt’s interest in crypto stems from his fascination with the technology in crypto’s forehead. He shared his interest in Web3 in a recent statement:

A new internet model where you can control your identity as an individual and have no authority is very interesting. Very seductive and decentralized.

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