First signs of life on Mars: NASA produced oxygen!

Life in space will no longer be just a dream. NASA produced oxygen on the red planet Mars with the MOXIE experiment.
 First signs of life on Mars: NASA produced oxygen!
READING NOW First signs of life on Mars: NASA produced oxygen!

When we think of space, the question that comes to our mind is whether there is life on other planets. Human beings both want to be unique in the universe and wonder whether there is life on other planets. All eyes are on Mars, the closest planet to Earth. In order for life to exist on another planet, oxygen, which is indispensable for human life, must exist. NASA has rolled up its sleeves to produce oxygen on the red planet. On April 20, 2021, they conducted an experiment on Mars called MOXIE. The results are quite surprising.

NASA succeeded in producing oxygen on the red planet Mars with the MOXIE experiment!

NASA has made a great discovery. With the MOXIE experiment, he extracted oxygen from the atmosphere of Mars. Among the reasons that make this discovery important for the whole world is that it proves whether the red planet is suitable for human life.

Trudy Kortes, director of technology demonstrations for the Space Technology Mission, made a statement about the results of the experiment. “By proving this technology in real-world conditions, we are one step closer to a future where astronauts can spend more time on the Red Planet,” he said.

MOXIE reached Mars with the Perseverance rover in February 2021. He was able to get oxygen for the first time in three months. This repeated the operations 15 times. The experiment separates oxygen from Mars’ carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere using electrochemical processes. In total, MOXIE produced 122 grams of oxygen on Mars. This amount sounds small. But the truth is not so. This amount is close to the amount a small dog breathes in 10 hours.

MOXIE stands for Mars In situ Oxygen Sourcing Experiment. This experiment pointed out exactly that. We can establish a presence in space by using materials found in space along with in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Instead of transporting everything necessary for life on other planets from the blue Earth, we can use the materials that exist there. Together with ISRU, we can extract water from the Moon’s surface. Or we can produce oxygen for the unbreathable atmosphere of Mars. In this way, life outside Earth will be possible.

MOXIE was a big show for the tech world. It aroused curiosity all over the world. However, the experiment did not end there. This experiment shows how ISRU can be used off-planet. It also provided inspiration for new tasks.

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